Akita's IT services cover government and the public sector

      IT Services For The Public Sector & Government

      Outsourced & co-managed services and consultancy for organisations in the public sector

      Expert Partner For Public Sector IT Success

      Drive cost-effectiveness and modernisation through your IT and technology with Akita.

      Providing effective IT support services and scalable technology solutions, we enable these public sector and government bodies to enhance their operational efficiencies and deliver superior service.

      More than just maintaining IT systems, we drive innovation and success, ensuring that public sector agencies can thrive in the digital world. And as a Crown Commercial Supplier, we’re pre-vetted to work with government

      Speak to one of our consultants today about Akita’s services:

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      Speak to one of our experts to discover how we could support your print operations:

      About Akita’s IT Services For The Public Sector

      Akita’s solutions for the public sector are designed to meet the unique needs of government agencies, educational institutions, and healthcare providers.

      By leveraging advanced technologies and industry best practices, Akita enhances the operational efficiency of public sector organisations, enabling them to deliver services effectively, securely and to budget.

      our it services for the public sector

      Operating as a fully outsourced or co-managed IT partner, our comprehensive service offering includes customised infrastructure management, advanced end-to-end cyber security solutions, and specialised support designed to stringent SLAs regulatory requirements.

      We also provide the public sector with wide-ranging IT consultancy services, helping steer expansion and transformation programs.

      Meanwhile, our strategic consultancy empowers public sector entities to achieve transformation objectives, from optimising infrastructure to full-blown operational transformation exercises.

      IT Support for print companies

      Around The Clock Solutions

      Akita’s IT support for public sector organisations can cover employees and infrastructure 24/7, supporting continuous operations and minimising downtime.

      IT Support for Print Companies

      User Support

      The pressures of the public sector means many organisations operate outside of the traditional 9am – 5pm working hours. We offer both 24/7 support and extended hours support, ensuring assistance is available when you need it.

      Our out-of-hours engineers ensure that any issues requiring assistance are dealt with quickly, professionally and efficiently to keep your operations running smoothly.

      NOC Services

      Akita’s advanced NOC services can care for your complete IT setup including all cloud and onsite servers, wider physical and hosted infrastructure, devices and more.

      Our Network Operations Centre (NOC) is a centralised team of IT experts delivering remote care for a wide variety of IT infrastructure systems, hardware, and backup services.

      Utilising industry-leading, AI-powered technology, Akita’s team delivers 24/7 monitoring of IT ecosystems. As issues are detected, auto-patching and self-healing technologies deploy automatically to remedy faults and restore system integrity without the need for user intervention.

      More About NOC Services

      Discuss Your Requirements

      Get in touch with us to let us know what you need, and we’ll let you know how we can do it.
      delivering cyber security consultancy services to the public sector

      Robust Cyber Security & Compliance Services

      Given the critical nature of the work of public sector bodies, security and compliance are central to all of Akita’s IT solutions. This is guided by our in-house team of cyber security consultants.

      With this expertise, we’re also able to guide our public sector customers in the highest standards of security, data protection and regulatory adherence.

      Our consultants are also adept at navigating the unique challenges faced by the public sector, delivering bespoke cyber security solutions that improve protection without compromising on functionality.

      More About Cyber Security Consultancy


      ISO 9001
      ISO 27001
      Cyber Essentials Assessor
      cyber essentials plus
      Crown Commercial Service Supplier
      Microsoft solutions partner
      bus apps solutions partner
      certified macintosh technician
      cyber security project for local government

      Case Study: Cyber Security Rollout For UK Council

      Akita's cyber security experts provided for assistance for a large council with the rollout of Microsoft Intune, a migration to Microsoft Defender For Business, and wider cyber security projects. Discover more:

      Why Choose Akita As Your Public Sector IT Partner?

      Tailored Technology Solutions: IT services and solutions designed to address the specific challenges and requirements of the public sector.

      Proactive Support and Maintenance: Round-the-clock monitoring and maintenance, ensuring your IT systems are always operational and up-to-date, minimising downtime and increasing productivity.

      Cost-Effective: Akita understands the importance of budget in the delivery of public sector solutions and can enhance the cost-effectiveness of IT solutions through our outsourced services and choice of solution.

      Comprehensive Compliance and Security: Servies that adhere to the highest standards of data protection and regulatory compliance, including GDPR, ISO certifications, and beyond.

      Digital Transformation Expertise: Akita is at the forefront of digital transformation, providing the latest technology innovations that facilitate streamlined operations, enhanced communication, and improved service delivery to the community.

      Long-term Partnership Focus: We believe in building lasting relationships with our clients. Our goal is to be more than just a service provider; we aim to be a trusted advisor and partner in the continuous improvement and evolution of your IT landscape.

       IT Services For The Public Sector FAQ

      How do you ensure data security and compliance with public sector regulations?

      We adhere to stringent data security and regulatory compliance measures in line with our ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and Cyber Essentials Plus accreditations as well as wider regulations such as GDPR.

      How can Akita’s services integrate with our existing IT teams?

      Our services are designed to be offered as co-managed solutions. This allows us to enhance existing in-house IT functionality with additional expertise of wrap-around operational capabilities.

      Have you worked with other public sector organisations?

      Yes, our cyber security, consultancy, infrastructure services and support have been utilised by major public sector organisations. Unfortunately much of our work sits under non-disclosure agreements. However, we can draw on this experience to inform further public sector work.

      How do you ensure the scalability of your IT services to meet our future needs?

      Our IT services for the public sector are designed to be inherently scalable. And through our account management process, we deliver IT road mapping to provide a strategic long-term direction for IT services and development.

      What training services do you offer?

      We provide comprehensive training around cyber security, enhancing employee threat awareness. Wider training can be delivered as required through our consultants.

      IT support for print companies
      IT Services For The Public Sector & Government

      Contact Us

      To find out how we our IT support services could enhance your operations: