Discover tailored IT Support For Recruitment agencies and companies

      IT Support For Recruitment Agencies

      Professional IT support solutions for recruitment companies– with a security-focused approach

      Experienced IT Partner To Recruitment Companies

      In recruitment, having robust IT management and support is crucial for achieving the speed and flexibility needed to perform against top players in the industry.

      Speak to one of our experts to find out more about our industry-specific IT support services:

      Speak With An IT Partner That Understands Recruiters

      Get in touch with our experts and find out how Akita supports recruitment companies like yours:
      Candidate CV

      Addressing The Unique Challenges Of The Recruitment Industry

      Recruitment is an industry with challenges unlike any other. Alongside a fast-paced and mobile workforce, broader technology challenges that the recruitment industry faces include:

      • Need for seamless remote working solutions
      • Mitigation of security issues linked to employee turnover
      • Database management and protection measures
      • Scalable IT strategies to handle rapid growth

      Recruiters require an IT partner that not only understands these challenges but have indigenous solutions to address them. Whether it’s 24/7 support, advanced cyber security measures, or efficient collaboration tools, Akita provides the technology backbone to empower your team to get the best results.

      Akita IT support consultant working on dual screens

      24/7 IT Support For Recruitment Companies

      With the pressures of placing candidates, recruiters often work beyond traditional office hours, working before 9 am and after 5 pm.

      Our 24/7 IT support service is designed to be operational when you are; accommodating unconventional hours, providing immediate assistance when issues arise and eliminating issues that cause IT-related downtime.

      Whether it’s late at night, early in the morning, or at the weekend, our support team is always on-hand to ensure your systems are running smoothly. This continuous support helps you provide the best service possible to your clients and candidates, allowing you to focus on making successful placements without worrying about IT disruptions.

      Day To Day IT Solutions

      Cyber Security For Recruitment Businesses: Keeping Your Data Safe

      In recruitment, safeguarding sensitive data is crucial due to the everyday handling of personal information. High employee turnover, frequent user access changes, and the risk of data breaches present significant challenges. Our security solutions are specifically designed to address these issues and protect your operations.

      Comprehensive User Management

      With high turnover rates, managing user access efficiently is essential. Our user management systems streamline the onboarding and offboarding process, ensuring that only authorised users can access critical data. This reduces the risk of data breaches, losses and corruption.

      Azure AD

      With Azure AD, you can enforce strict access policies, ensure only authorised users have access to sensitive information, and manage user identities effectively. This not only enhances security but also simplifies the management of user permissions, ensuring that your network remains secure and compliant with industry standards.

      Mobile Device Management (MDM)

      Often working on the go, recruitment consultants use various devices to access company networks. MDM solutions such as Microsoft Intune ensure that all devices, whether company-issued or personal, adhere to strict security protocols. This prevents data leakage and maintains the integrity of your network.

      Advanced Threat Detection

      We employ advanced threat detection systems to identify and mitigate potential security threats before they cause harm. Microsoft Defender For Business works in the background and communicates directly with us, leaving you to deal with your operations whilst we monitor your security and handle potential issues.

      Data Encryption And Compliance

      To further safeguard your data, we implement robust encryption methods that ensure information is secure both in transit and at rest. Additionally, we can help you comply with industry regulations and standards, providing peace of mind that your data handling practices meet legal requirements.

      Security Audits

      Regular security audits continuously assess your security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and allow us to implement necessary improvements. These ongoing assessments ensure your IT infrastructure stays in good health remains resilient against emerging threats.

      Employee Training And Awareness

      A key component of our security strategy is educating your staff. We can run phishing attack simulations to identify staff who might pose a risk to your organisation and provide training programs to raise awareness about best practices. This helps your team recognise and respond to potential threats effectively.

      Case Study: How We Deliver IT Support For Recruitment Agencies

      IT expert providing remote support

      Remote Working Solutions

      With the need to meet and place candidates fast, recruitment professionals operate on the go and from anywhere and require flexibility and adaptability in their processes.

      Our remote working IT solutions are designed to ensure your team remains productive and connected regardless of where they are.

      We provide secure, reliable access to your systems through advanced VPNs and cloud-based platforms, enabling seamless collaboration and communication. Our solutions include setting up:

      • Virtual desktops
      • Secure file sharing
      • Remote access to essential recruitment tools

      These measures ensure your team can work efficiently from anywhere.

      We also implement robust security measures to protect data during remote access, ensuring that all information remains secure and compliant with industry standards.

      Recruiter on a call to a candidate

      VoIP Solutions For Recruitment Companies

      Quick, efficient communication is vital in the recruitment industry, and our VoIP systems provide flexible, cost-effective solutions to meet your needs. With VoIP services, you can make and receive calls from any device, at any location to ensure your team stays on top of operations.

      Our 3CX VoIP phone systems offer advanced features such as call forwarding, voicemail to email, video conferencing, and direct messaging. These features enhance collaboration and streamline communication, enabling your consultants to interact seamlessly with clients and candidates.

      VoIP systems are scalable and integrate easily with existing infrastructure, allowing for smooth transitions and painless growth. We also provide comprehensive support and maintenance to ensure your VoIP services remain reliable and secure.

      Collaboration & Knowledge Retention Solutions For Recruitment

      Collaboration and knowledge retention are key for recruitment agencies that hold large amounts of candidate data. We offer comprehensive support for common collaboration tools such as Slack, with a stronger focus on enhancing productivity with Microsoft solutions such as SharePoint and Teams:

      CRM Solutions For Talent Sourcing

      Microsoft Dynamics 365 delivers a comprehensive view of client and candidate interactions, streamlining recruitment processes and improving efficiency.

      Key Features Of Dynamics 365 For Recruitment:

      Centralised Data Management: Store all client and candidate information in one secure, accessible location.

      Automation: Automate routine tasks like follow-ups and reminders, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic activities and ensuring no opportunities get missed.

      Man looking at Dynamics CRM system on desktop

      Customisable Dashboards: Create tailored dashboards to track key metrics, unique to your organisation to gain insights into your general performance.

      Integration With Office 365: Seamlessly integrate with wider Microsoft tools for a cohesive work environment.

      By leveraging Dynamics 365, you can improve client relationships, optimise your recruitment workflow, and drive better results. Find out more about the benefits of adopting Microsoft’s CRM solution and how Akita can support:

      Dynamics 365 Services

      Migration To The Cloud

      Handling sensitive, valuable information on unsecured on-site servers can pose significant risks, and their lack of scalability can hinder growth. Securely migrating your databases to the cloud addresses these points by enhancing accessibility, improving performance, and providing greater scalability.

      Our cloud migration services ensure a seamless transition with minimal disruption to your operations. By moving your databases to the cloud, you can access information from anywhere, optimise costs, boost efficiency, and take advantage of the latest cloud technologies.

      Cyber Essentials And ISO 27001

      Ensuring robust cyber security is crucial for recruitment organisations handling sensitive data. Two key standards to consider that will both bolster your defences and improve your reputation with clients are Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001.

      Cyber Essentials

      Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed certification that helps organisations protect against common cyber threats. It focuses on five key areas: secure internet connection, secure devices and software, access control, malware protection, and patch management. This certification is ideal for businesses looking for a straightforward, cost-effective way to improve their cyber security posture.

      ISO 27001

      ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It provides a comprehensive framework for managing sensitive company information, ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. ISO 27001 is suited for organisations needing a robust, systematic approach to managing information security risks.

      Choosing between Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001 depends on your organisation’s specific needs and goals. Our experts can help you assess your current security posture and requirements, guiding you to the best certification for your business. Take a look at our battle card comparing the features of both certifications to help you understand which would be more beneficial to your organisation:

      Strategy is included in our IT support for recruitment companies

      IT Strategy To Support Your Growth

      A clear IT growth strategy is essential for long-term success. We offer comprehensive roadmapping and Virtual CTO (VCTO) services to help your organisation plan and execute an effective strategy.

      Roadmapping: Our roadmapping process lays out a detailed timeframe of your business IT plan, tailored to your goals and objectives. We identify current challenges, forecast future needs, and outline a strategic path to ensure your IT infrastructure supports your growth plans.

      Virtual CTO (VCTO): With our VCTO services, you can access expert IT leadership without the full-time cost. Our VCTO provides strategic guidance, technology insights, and implementation support to align your IT initiatives with your business strategy.

      Discover tailored IT Support For Recruitment agencies and companies
      IT Support For Recruitment Agencies

      Get In Touch

      Speak to one of our consultants to find out more about how Akita could support your operations: