
      How Does Akita Use Feedback to Improve Its Services?

      At Akita, we believe in building lasting partnerships with our customers, and the foundation of any great relationship is trust and open communication. That’s why your feedback is incredibly important to us.

      Why Does Feedback Matter to Akita?

      As a service provider, feedback is essential. It helps us tailor our services to ensure that we’re not just meeting your requirements but exceeding your expectations.

      Excellence in customer service is a core operational value, driving everything we do. From prioritising our customers to valuing our exceptional team, delivering outstanding service allows us to be your long-term success partner. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to improve and grow, with your feedback playing a crucial role in that process.

      How Does Akita Collect Feedback from Customers?

      Akita gathers feedback through various channels:

      • During Onboarding: Newly onboarded customers receive phone calls to confirm their satisfaction with our service and to check if there’s anything more we can do.
      • Through Support Tickets: Feedback surveys are sent as soon as a service ticket is completed. If neutral or negative feedback is received, a thorough investigation is conducted.
      • Post-Project: Upon successful completion of a project, a feedback survey is automatically generated.
      • Biannual Customer Surveys: Phone surveys are conducted to gauge overall customer satisfaction and gather insights on areas for improvement. These calls may include discussions on engagement frequency, preferred communication methods, and the value of the services we deliver.
      • Feedback@ Any Time: Akita has a dedicated email address,, where customers can directly send their comments, suggestions, or concerns. These are managed by our Quality Manager and monitored by the Directors.

      What Do We Do with This Information?

      We always want to know what you think, whether through surveys, post-project reviews, support tickets, or casual conversations. Your feedback allows us to provide better service for you.

      • Data Analysis: Once we have your feedback, we use Microsoft Power BI and other tools to analyse the data and identify trends. Instead of applying quick fixes, we focus on long-term solutions that bring about significant changes.
      • Process Improvement: Your feedback guides us in refining our processes, shaping new product features, enhancing our training programs, and improving our customer relations.
      • Communication: Good communication requires both listening and responding. We ensure that we update you on our progress and continually strive to improve the services we deliver based on your direction.

      Examples of Feedback in Action

      Here are some ways your feedback has directly improved our service:

      • Training Enhancements: Customers highlighted the importance of setting the right expectations with staff from the start. In response, we’ve developed a training programme focused on service priorities within each department, ensuring that every new employee understands what really matters to customers from Day One.
      • Onboarding Support: Customers informed us that onboarding new employees from an IT perspective can be challenging. In response, we’ve started working with organisations to create tailored instructions for setting up each new employee based on their role and seniority. This ensures that Akita gets it right the first time for your new starters.

      We couldn’t have made these positive changes without your feedback. Every survey you fill out helps us get better at what we do for you.

      Continuing to Strive for Excellence

      In short, your feedback is crucial to Akita’s success. It helps us improve our services, meet your needs, and build stronger partnerships. We’re grateful for your continued support and encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts.

      Got feedback about our services? Please get in touch:

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