With a Voice over IP (VoIP) solution from Akita and 3CX, you’ll not only get telephone calls but video capability as standard.
Unlock the potential of video calls and web conferencing for your business as part of your VoIP experience.
Video conferencing and video calls are another benefit of taking a VoIP telephone solution from Akita and included at no additional cost.
3CX VoIP solution enables the benefits of face-to-face communication from the convenience of your laptop, desktop or mobile device.
Calls and conferencing via video also allows for more personal communication with clients and better engagement with colleagues working remotely. A survey from GigaOm even found that 90% of those using video calls felt they were able to get their point across more easily than using audio-only calls.
VoIP video calls can also ensure that remote workers are engaged and in touch with activities within offices, making them feel valued, and increasing their productivity.
Video conferencing enables businesses to save time and money by hosting meetings virtually. Using video conferencing, you can get all the required people together instantly without the need for travel. It also helps improve productivity, with 89% of research participants stating that video conferencing had helped them to complete tasks and projects faster.
It’s the easy way to make your meetings more time and cost-effective.
Benefits of the platform
Our 3CX video calling solution is easy to use and can be launched from the app with just a few clicks. Benefits of the platform include:
Want to see how 3CX video calls works? Get in touch and we can provide you with a remote demonstration. It takes less than 30 minutes and might help you find the VoIP solution you’ve been looking for:
Akita is a leading 3CX Partner. We can help get your organisation up and running with VoIP video and telephone calling systems.
We can also supply you with the equipment you’ll need to get the most out of video calling and conferencing. For individual users, this range from webcams, to advanced VoIP phone handsets with in-built video display and camera.
We can also provide solutions for meeting and boardrooms, including microphones and 360-degree cameras that activate based on who is speaking, through to high-quality display screens and projectors.